Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism

728 United facilitated a meeting with ISD 728 superintendent and the 728 Director of Human Resources with both state and national representatives of F.A.I.R. in December of 2021 to provide the district an understanding of how harmful a divisive approach to educating students about racism is and results in negative student behaviors that have been witnessed both in District 728 and across the state of MN. For example, in May of 2021, a student group at Elk River High School hosted a walk out in the name of social justice and police shootings of African Americans. Some felt the tone of the walk out was anti-law enforcement. Many 728 students have family that work in law enforcement and those students were so concerned about the social back lash towards them that they opted to not attend school that day or have their parents pick them up early prior to the scheduled walk-out. Later, after the demonstration, a group of students publicly and maliciously went onto social media to list the white students that did not attend the rally, labelling them racists and using the slogan “White Silence is Violence.” 728 United was able to speak to some of these families and learned their children were so traumatized by this that they chose to disenroll from the district. 728 United has been working with parents from districts across the state and has learned this type of behavior is not isolated and impacts students of all ethnicities.

Child Protection League

This not for profit organization has been working with the MN state legislature for years to support legislation that protects children from a multitude of threats, including divisive public school policies and age-inappropriate sex education. Their research is invaluable in understanding the background of the current trends in Sex Education, Social and Emotional Learning, Critical Race Theory and increased consequences for criminals who prey on our children. MN has some of the least stringent laws related to child pornography and child sex offenders in the nation.

Take Charge Minnesota

Originally founded by Mr. Kendall Qualls, the mission of this organization is to positively impact the black family. Take Charge Minnesota works to keep black fathers in the home and advocates for high educational standards and a move away from political indoctrination in public schools.

The Exodus Minnesota

This organization was founded by five African American mothers who were fed up with academic outcomes for black, inner city children in Minnesota public schools. Please visit their website to learn about data that demonstrates that home-schooled black children do not experience academic performance gaps when compared to their counterparts in public schools. See the data that demonstrates the dismal outcomes for black students in MN inner-city public schools. This organization works tirelessly to educate parents on their options to provide their children with high quality academics outside of the public school system. Two of their founders are showcased in the recent movie Whose Children are they Anyways that chronicles the academic decline and indoctrination occurring in US public schools. 728 United encourages citizens to view this movie as it highlights several Minnesota educators who are currently in the classroom and their their direct experiences regarding the impact of indoctrination on their students. Link to movie trailer